Marketplace Strategy: Spotlight on Privalia

Privalia is the latest in our Marketplace Strategy series, where we have been looking at sales platforms (outside the obvious Amazon and eBay) that can expand your business. Getting your inventory in front of as many customers as possible is an obvious way to help increase your sales, and with over 16 million registered customers across Italy and Spain (before we even consider their registered customers in Brazil and Mexico) Privalia can help grow your customer base and increase your profits.


Because over 70% of Privalia customers are in the 30-45 age bracket and are typically in the medium to medium-high social status bracket, if you have the right products at great prices, you’re almost guaranteed to increase your sales.

Privalia are a bit different from your average marketplace – while they still have a marketplace function, they also organise short, brand related campaigns, typically sent by email and text message over 3-5 days. These marketing campaigns that are extremely popular and successful, and brands that currently do well on Privalia include L’Oreal Professional and Fred Perry, but any mid-range to luxury brands are likely to increase their sales on Privalia, so any brands with great quality products at a great price can benefit from increased exposure and brand recognition.

However, like many marketplaces, there are requirements for sellers. To be approved, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Your inventory must have more than 300 SKUs
  • You must be able to deliver to Italy and Spain within 5 business days
  • You must be able to offer customer service in Italian and Spanish
  • You must be the brand owner or be authorised to sell the brands in your inventory

eCommerce retailPrivalia don’t charge member fees, listing fees or any deposits, just commission that ranges between 5% to 20%, depending on the product category.

If you’re using Linnworks to manage your eCommerce retail business, then adding Privalia to your sales channels is incredibly easy – simply head to the settings in your Linnworks account and select the channel integration option to add new, and select Privalia. (More settings information and guidance can be found here)

Whether you’re unsure whether Privalia is the right move for your business, you’d like to look at other options, or you have other queries about your online sales, get in touch, or see us at Autumn Fair or Linn Academy 2018! (Don’t forget you can get 50% off your Linn Academy ticket if you enter the Promotional Code ‘ LWPARTNER’ in the ticket buying screen here)

Oh, and PS –Sellers can benefit from reduced commission rates on Privalia by applying via the Department for International Trade – use this link to find out more.

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