2015's Current eCommerce Trends in UK – Infographic


In the age of mobile technology, you will get new opportunity to explore your online business. 2015 might be the year for mobile and the global m-commerce sales are increasing globally compared to past years. However, the most important of the eCommerce trends to watch in 2015 and you need to ensure the online retailers do the basic process efficiently. Online retailers want to know how to link all the strategies and use any new eCommerce trend for their benefits. Nowadays customers are browsing many shopping website with mobile device both smart phone and tablets. The UK’s eCommerce mobile figures are £ 8.41 billion in 2014 increasing to £ 14.95 billion in 2015. In the UK, online shoppers are expected to splash out £ 1174 online in 2015, growing by 9.6% compared to last year. eCommerce retailers need to ensure they have responsive website and optimised ads, which work effectively and appeals to the customers.

2015's Current eCommerce Trends in UK



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