eBay Integration: Centralized Command Over All The Platforms


[dropcap]E[/dropcap]very trader is worried about how to broaden their business. Traders who are running either online stores or physical stores or maybe both are worried about attracting numbers of shoppers, creating trust among online shoppers and compete with other key people. The easiest way to deal with is to adopt various platforms of marketing channels, combine different platforms and have a centralized command over all the platforms. At eBusiness guru, we help to create eBay integration. This integration allows you to regulate inventory, products, customers order and other information.

eBusiness guru’s key features of eBay integration:

Centralized Control

Traders are able to manage products, orders, inventory and client information from the admin panel in our multichannel eCommerce based online store.

Uploads Item facts

Immediately upload product information; for example images, product description, photos from the POS to the web store and from web store on eBay. This integration uploads product variations as well as matrix items.

Product re-listing functionality

Retailers can certainly re-list the items, which are previously uploaded in the eBay using a facility to edit the items.

Order Download

Generally, orders are automatically downloaded to the web store and traders can fix scheduler regarding downloading them.

Track on Overselling

eBay integration with eCommerce updates your stock inventory automatically just after each order is processed.

Easy Logins

Shopper accounts are generally auto created in the web store, though downloading the orders from eBay.

Catalogue Control

Retailers will receive the centralized command of the inventory that is uploaded in the eBay from the eBusiness guru enabled online stores.

Simplify the processes

We offer an integral plug-in for eBay and this simplifies different procedure related to merchandise and stock control, product management as well as order administration. This eliminates the necessity to manually enter the information on both platforms.

Saves cost involvement

Retailers receive the facility to use the present structure of eBay to their advantage such as marketing & promotional activities initiated by eBay.

Let's get in touch

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours.