Marketplace & Website Integration

Marketplac & Website Integration

[dropcap]D[/dropcap]o you wish to gain maximum visibility for your online product selling business? We at eBusiness Guru now provide the Multichannel eCommerce solution to integrate into some of the top rated Marketplaces out there like eBay and Amazon. Integrating marketplaces and websites like Magento and bespoke ASP.Net + SQL Server is simple and that makes the marketing (OR) business experience more efficient and professional. This unified approach will make effective use of marketing time, with improved productivity without having to add manpower.

Integrating Marketplaces like Amazon and eBay with Linnworks software

Amazon and eBay are widely popular global brands for online shopping. Amazon and eBay customers can search through a huge collection of new, used and refurbished items offered by the sellers worldwide. Many of our very efficient clients use Linnworks- the Multichannel software to integrate Amazon and eBay for complete Order Management and Stock Control.

Integrating Websites with Linnworks

We do direct integration with some of the most popular eCommerce platforms like Magento and BigCommerce. Linnworks can directly integrate with multiple web stores and that enables you to bring together your orders from your website in Linnworks with those from Amazon and eBay, and have a single control over inventory, purchase orders and shipping across all channels. Items and promotions will not remain channel specific but will be applied to all the channels just in one go.

As we already know professional management technique means better targeting of the customers and increased responsiveness and that automatically means better revenue. Customers are more likely to trust companies the more global they appear to be so the maximum visibility helps user build the credibility. Brainstorming process of reviewing and analysing reports becomes less challenging just with simple integration with Finally, everything as a service, Linnworks, the cloud based software keeps your business always in focus and accessible from anywhere.

You can’t do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and be in business tomorrow.

Let's get in touch

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours.