SEO Friendly Tips for Magento Development


[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f you want to develop an eCommerce store, it is essential to make use of robust functionalities and SEO services in your magento platform. In the current scenario, Magento eCommerce development can be perfect approach for having eCommerce website for online retail. Looking at the popularity of online retail, magneto development is rapidly becoming a reliable approach for the process of buying and selling products. If you want to capture high end customers target a specific group of customers, you have to ensure that your website is SEO friendly.

 A well defined SEO (Search Engine Optimization) process is essential for your business. Magento is most popular open source eCommerce platform with integrated CMS which is regarded as the finest & reliable shopping cart. Following are some points which provide the fastest approach to optimize your website as well as make better visibility in major search engines.

  • Enables Google Analytics
  • Enables Google Webmasters
  • Validate Your Code through W3CValidation Tool.
  • Enable Catching features
  • Don’t make use duplicate content
  • Optimise Meta Tag
  • Google XML sitemap
  • Make use of ALT Tags in images
  • Remove index.php from your URLs’

Google Analytics: Google analytics is a powerful software, it made by Google. Magento provides retailers various tools. Customers have the ability to enable Google analytics by going to path System => Configuration => Google API

Enables Google Webmasters Tools: Magento provides you facilities like Google Sitemap Generator which helps you to generate and submit XML sitemap by using Google webmaster tools, Exp: System => Configuration => Google Sitemap

Validate Your Code through W3C Validation Tool: W3C validation is an important approach toward error troubleshooting that provides you syntax error & warning. With this tool, you can easily check your coding error while designing the web page.

Enables Caching Features: You have various tools that enable your magneto store to run faster by enable caching functionality. You can enable this option by going to path: System => Cache Management and enable all caching features

Don’t make use duplicate content:  You should try to avoid duplicate content and duplicate URLs which will optimise your website more effective on the internet. There are various tools available that give you fast options to make better results.

Optimise Meta Tag: Meta tag is one of the most crucial ways to gives search engines the key information about your site.  You can utilise this to include keywords that relate to your business in Tiles, Headings, and Descriptions etc.

Making Use of Alt Tag: The need of ALT attributes specifies an alternate text for an image. Since systems cannot optimise the graphical text on an image, we provide ALT attributes so Engines can recognise and optimise the images based on ALT Texts.

Remove Index.php: If you would like to make your website search engine friendly than you will need to remove index.php URLs, whenever you have installed the latest version of Magento, be careful to set server URL retrieve option to YES to remove index.php URL from your URLs.

Magento is a great open source platform which is specially created with the intention of willing to help more than a billion online businesses. If you like to hire a reliable magento e-commerce development services, Ebusiness Guru is a leading e-commerce Solutions Company in United Kingdom that a vast experience in professional Magento Development.

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