World’s Most Favoured Shopping Cart Platform: Magento


[dropcap]e[/dropcap]Commerce in this decade has seen exponential growth in terms of revenues and instilling confidence in customer’s hearts. eCommerce sales have surpassed £160 Billion worldwide in revenues with an average customer shopping anywhere between £750 and £810 per year. What’s more: businesses have quickly adapted to the new trends leading them to taking entire brick-and-mortar stores and putting it Online.

With that goal in mind and generating high revenues online, software companies quickly developed services that offered small and medium sized businesses to have bespoke eCommerce website employing intuitive shopping carts for a true & rich shopping experience. One of the most widely used Shopping Carts platform is Magento by Varien (now Magento Inc.)

The Rise of Magento Development

With the Introduction of Magento, eCommerce Development rose immensely. One of the best features of Magento is that it is Open-Source allowing developers to customise functionality as per requirements. With more patches and upgrades, Magento development has now become the most favoured cart platform to be used worldwide.

For medium sized businesses who wish to sell online, Magento is recommended as the first option. It’s features and flexibility allows businesses to customise it terms of design & functionality ultimately providing a rich shopping experience. Currently Magento development is employed by over 190,000 retailers worldwide. Surveys by Quantity suggest that Magento runs 11% of the top 10K site worldwide.

Magento Development operates in a Modular manner which allows developers to easily set up individual modules as functionalities. The technical aspect that Magento offers surely enables developers to be more creative and functional in designing the eCommerce framework. Seeing its success, Magento started to offer existing skins and themes so designing could be toned down for newbies.

Magento’s community is a dedicated society to lend a hand in enhancing Magento and harness its features to the optimum use. With powerful third-party add-ons and APIs, Magento has become more powerful than ever.

eCommerce Functionalities
  • See what can be achieved with Magento for your eCommerce Website:
  • Best Industry Standard Shopping Cart
  • Cost Effective
  • Highly Flexible & Customisable in terms of functionality & design
  • Modular Development
  • Integration of Multiple Stores
  • Multi-Currency Enablement
  • Flexible Pricing Structures for Products
  • Fully Customisable Shipping Rules
  • Secured Payment Gateway Integration
  • Ability for Coupons & Promotions system
  • Detailed Product Management
  • Streamlined Order Management
  • Detail Oriented Reporting & Analytics
  • Intuitive Content Management System
  • Variety of pre-defined Themes to choose from
  • API Integration with third party systems
  • Extensibility to ERP systems for large enterprises

Magento’s recent upgrade now addresses the experience of shopping via mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablets. Its inbuilt features allow you to design web-responsive eCommerce websites that provide customer a flawless shopping process when on the move.

A New Perspective

Magento is by far the world’s most favoured shopping cart. It is packed with so many powerful functionalities at a very affordable cost (or free if you opt for a community edition). The Magento development has definitely brought a revolution in the eCommerce Industry allowing Small & Medium sized businesses to harness the best standards that previously only conglomerates and giants could achieve involving huge investments.

It is no surprise the Magento development has a long way to go in eCommerce. The platform is already being used worldwide and with more developments to come, only the future will tell the heights that Magento will reach.


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